Monument catalogue
Catalogue of architectural monuments in and around Telč.
Electronic edition
A major outcome of the project will consist of an electronically published edition of the Jesuit College annual reports.
Interactive map
The geographic context of the activities of the Telč Jesuits will be captured in an interactive map.

Telč and Jesuits, the Order and its Patrons

One of the main aims of the project is to develop an understanding of the relationships between the lords of the Telč manor, members of the Telč branch of the Society of Jesus, representatives of the Catholic Church and the local community.

About the project

The five-year project is a collaboration between the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the National Heritage Institute, and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The outcomes of the project will consist of a documentation methodology for records of material culture, an interactive map, an exhibition, and a programme of lectures and publications.

Partneři projektu